The Roman Army

Works Cited

Ancient Roman Army Standard.  2007.  22 April 2008.
< standards.html>.

Augustus and the Early Roman Empire.  22 April 2008.  < SculptureHistory/RomansRenaissance/RomanHistorical/ Augustus.htm>.

Pax Romana.  2008.  16 April 2008.  < entertainment>.

Persian War Resources Page.  National Endowment for the Humanities.  22 April 2008.  <>.

The Roman Army.  3 April 2008.  16 April 2008.  <>.

Shumate, Johnny.  Roman Hastati, Punic War.  16 April 2008.  < shumates_portfolio/picture10278.aspx>.

Wikimedia Commons.  16 April 2008.  < soldier_70_aC.jpg>.